Powdered Lecithin

Lecithin Powder is a delicate protein and is highly hygroscopic – great care must be taken in handling this product during its production process.  Based on our technical collaboration, CCI has set up one of the largest Powdered Lecithin plants in India (10TPD) in Pune, India.

Lecithin Powder recovery in a purified form free of solvents and tri-glycerides content is by means Acetone Insolubles.  This purity is attained in high shear mixer settlers followed by a continuous Vacuum Filtration.  The marc is then desolventised using super-heated acetone in a Flash Desolventizing System (FDS).  The product, at all times, is to be kept out of contact with air.

A few highlights of our design process are –

  • All the contact parts in our plant are made in Stainless Steel
  • Our design process uses a Flash Desolventizing System (FDS) to remove volatile solvents like Acetone.
  • This process allows for low solvent loss due to the elimination of air from the system and the condensers are able to recover nearly 98% of the solvent and the balance via Activated Carbon Absorption columns. 
  • All packaging is done under the cover of a Nitrogen Blanketing System
  • The system is fully automated.

Plant Capacity Range – 1TPD to 30TPD

Utility Consumption per ton of Lecithin
Steam (10 barg) 1500 Kgs./hr.
Cooling Water Barometric (32°C) 150 m3
Cooling Water Coil Cooling (32°C) 37.1 m3
Electrical Energy 65.1 kWh
Acetone 50 Kgs.
Activated Carbon 10 Kgs.
Output Product Data (Lecithin Powder)
Appearance Free Flowing Golden Yellow
Acetone Insoluble’s 90% min.
Fat / Oil Content < 3.0% max.
Others < 7.0% max