
Carbon Neutral Rating
The offices for Chemical Construction International (P) Limited in New Delhi, India have been certified as a ‘Carbon-Neutral’ Workplace since 2005.We have offset emissions of 116 tons of Carbon dioxide by investing in greenhouse gas reduction projects in Ettiguda, Gabbai and Elkapalli villages in the Adilabad District in Andhra Pradesh, India.  In recognition of the commencement of the Kyoto Protocol in India and as an affirmation of our goals to be involved in renewable energy projects like Bio-Diesel, we are committed to reducing our impact on the world’s environment.

To become carbon neutral, CCI is buying carbon offsets through the CarbonConnect organization.  The CarbonConnect organization is neutralizing the carbon dioxide emissions footprint from CCI by increasing the area under forest cover within multiple regions in Andhra Pradesh, India by planting over 4000 Pongamia trees on 10 hectares of degraded forest land.  Additional tree species were also planted and the raw oil from the Pongamia tree is to be used to run farm equipment in the villages and any surplus oil is to be sold in the market in order to benefit these villages.


Chemical Construction International (P) Limited believes that investing in education is the single biggest and best investment that we can make for the future health of our community.  We have sought to provide needed opportunity by investing and being actively involved in the boards for school and literacy projects sponsored by Non-Governmental Organizations in New Delhi, India such as the Children Literacy Society and the Help Care Society.


Chemical Construction International (P) Limited (CCI) is a firm believer that self-reliance in addressing some of the energy challenges in the villages of India will lead to sustained development.  With this in mind, CCI has provided an Oil-Seed Expeller to the Adilabad district in Andhra Pradesh, India.  The Oil-seed Expeller is fully functional and has had a significant impact on the local tribal villages.  The local villages now have more than 1 Ton of Pongamia seeds in storage which provides them all the Oil that they require for their energy needs.  Their goal for the next season is to have between 10-15 Tons of Pongamia seeds and also introduce other types of seeds for crushing such as Neem and Cotton, the Oil from which they can now export and generate additional sources of income.  The self-driven initiatives from the villages have resulted in a sustained growth model to meet their future energy requirements and those of their neighbors.